
2024 Jun 30
Chen Jen-Ru

2023 年3月20日歐盟執委會公布的2023/607,延長了MDR過渡時間軸,讓製造商在申請轉證MDR的過程中繼續維持醫材在歐洲市場流通。

但並非所有的MDD產品皆適用,其中包含相當多的限制;Luanamed透過實際與主管機關交涉案例,與大家分享申請的步驟與細節,替業界先進描繪更完整的MDR過渡 (MDD展延)全貌:

1. 製造廠得依據2023/607 進行MDR過渡(MDD展延)的適用條件


只有在2021年5月21日前,根據90/385/EEC(AIMD)和93/42/EEC(MDD)所頒發的證書或符合性聲明(DoC)所涵蓋的Legacy Device產品,並且提出具體MDR轉證計劃,才適用過渡條款範圍。



2. 過渡條款之法之依據

在MDR article 59,說明針對符合性途徑的豁免(Derogation from the conformity assessment procedures),包含:

  • 透過Article 59,歐盟境內主管機關(Competent Authority,後續稱CA)可以在正當理由、且有利於公共健康與病患安全前提下,無須等待符合性途徑(Article 52)完備,先於成員國境內將醫療器材上市。
  • 如果該醫療器材非僅用於單一病患,該成員國必須將此上市決議,通知歐盟執委會以其他成員國,執委會將針對病患的安全或健康狀況,一定程度地展延成員國在歐盟境內授權的時限,以及設置該醫療器材使用之條件。

MDR article 59有前提的放寛了尚未完成MDR程序的醫療器材,而MDR Article 120過渡條款,更提出透過MDD或AMID路徑取得的證書,在未有重大的設計變更下,製造商可於寬限期內,持續將醫療器材/體外診斷試劑使用或投放於歐盟市場,直至2024年5月26日為止。


3. 展延流程實例分享(以荷蘭CA為例)


  1. 製造商自行判斷過渡期資格及路徑:
  2. 時間點:向CA申請前。
  3. 檢視產品是否包含下列三大原則:
  4. 「若未予以上市,將對病患照護帶來不可接受的風險」--病患福祉,符合Article 59--Without a derogation, an unacceptable risk will arise for patient care.
  5. 「沒有可用的等效替代產品」--病患福祉,符合Article 59--No equivalent alternative is available.
  6. 「製造商已經合理地表明該產品為安全,且醫療器材之品質以及安全性皆能符合相關法規要求」--需證實該醫材/體外診斷試劑除符合MDD外,亦有具體MDR轉證計劃,符合Article原始精神--The manufacturer has made it plausible that the device is safe and that the MD/IVD meets the quality and safety requirements as described in the relevant legislation and regulations.
  7. 向CA提出申請:
  8. 簡易去信CA表達申請意象:希望遵循MDR Article 59, first paragraph 1或IVDR Article 54, first paragraph來申請豁免。
  9. CA回覆要求,依據要求提出文件說明<細節見下一段落”文件要求”>
  10. CA收件,確認收到文件
  11. CA回覆申請立案,取得案件號碼
  12. CA回覆審閱結果

4. 文件要求說明


A. 「若未予以上市,將對病患照護帶來不可接受的風險」Unacceptable Risk for patient care

B. 「沒有可用的等效替代產品」No alternative

C. 「該醫材的品質以及安全性皆能符合相關法規要求」Quality/Safety meet regulation

項次 要求 A B C
1 若申請者已在EUDAMED註冊,請提供申請者的SRN。 If applicable: when you, as the applicant are already registered in EUDAMED your SRN. 請包含:申請商的基本資料(例如國家、機能)、製造商的基本資料,並確認是否計劃於歐盟上市的醫療器材/體外診斷試劑(Manufacturer intends to CE mark the MD / IVD)。 另外,也請提供最終的展延決議接收人資訊(名稱、電子郵件、地址等)。
2 概述申請於[荷蘭]市場銷售的產品。 An overview of the products for which you, as the applicant, apply for derogation and which have already been placed on the market in the Netherlands. 請包含:產品名稱、型號與產品預期目的(Intended purpose of the MD/IVD),以及DoC等。
3 說明原始CE證書無法延長,或需要過渡的原因。 The reason that you as, an applicant, need a derogation and/or why the CE certificate could not be extended in time.
4 概述是否已向所在國家CA提出類似的展延申請,以及CA給予的決定與理由。 An overview of the competent authorities within the EU from whom you, as the applicant, have applied for a similar derogation, including the decision and reasoning of the relevant competent authorities.
5 NB預計發放CE證書的日期,包括NB已確定的時程。 The expected date that the CE certificate will be issued by the Notified Body, including the timeframe confirmed by the Notified Body.
6 提供預計申請展延的醫療器材/體外診斷試劑,在過去2年內在[荷蘭]銷售概況。包括: A sales overview of the MD/IVD’S that fall under the application for derogation and that have been sold in the Netherlands in the past 2 years. Among which: -各產品類型的數量,包括客戶及護理照護者; - the numbers per type of product, including customers/care providers, and; -與使用數據結合的庫存狀況,得到關鍵照護者庫存天數。 - the stock situation in combination with usage figures resulting in the number of days of stock at the most critical care providers.
7 如果您的CE證書已經過期,請提供您通知客戶/醫療機構該證書過期的證據。 If applicable: if your CE certificate has already expired, proof that customers / healthcare institutions have been informed about the invalidity of the CE certificate.
8 提供至少由一家醫療機構使用醫療器材/體外診斷試劑的基本重要性聲明書/宣告書。 A statement/ declaration of the essential importance of the use of the MD/IVD by at least 1 health institution.
9 說明如果本展延未能獲得核准,對於病患安全性的風險影響。 An explanation of what you, as the applicant, believe the risks are with regard to patient safety if the requested derogation is not granted.
10 提供在荷蘭受影響病患人口數的估算。 An estimate of the affected patient population in the Netherlands.
11 勾選「如果未獲得展延,對病患產生的效果」: Tick the corresponding box to what the effect will be on the patient if no derogation is granted. ☐ 輕微傷害或暫時性生活品質的輕微降低 ☐ Minor injury or minor reduction in quality of life of a temporary nature ☐ 有限傷害或不可逆的生活品質有限降低 ☐ Limited injury or limited reduction in quality of life of an irreversible nature ☐ 嚴重傷害或暫時性生活品質的嚴重降低 ☐ Serious injury or serious temporary loss of quality of life of a temporary nature ☐ 嚴重傷害或不可逆的生活品質嚴重降低 ☐ Serious injury or serious impairment of quality of life of an irreversible nature ☐ 生命威脅的傷害或無法接受的生活品質降低 ☐ Life-threatening injury or unacceptable reduction in quality of life ☐ 其他: ☐ Other:
12 勾選「如果未獲得展延,對病患影響的持續時間」: Tick the corresponding box regarding the duration of the impact on the patient if no derogation is granted: ☐ 1 天 ☐ 1 週 ☐ 1 月 ☐ 超過 1 月 ☐ 永久 ☐ 1 day ☐ 1 week ☐ 1 month ☐ more than a month ☐ permanen
13 概述如果未獲得展延,對荷蘭客戶(經銷商和/或醫療提供者)預期發生的風險,及發生的時間。 An overview of the Dutch customers (resellers and/or healthcare providers) with whom you, as the applicant, expect that these risks will occur if the requested derogation is not granted, including the timeline in which these risks are expected.
14 說明是否可以在短期內(由其他醫療器材製造商)替換所申請展延的醫療器材/體外診斷試劑,且不增加額外風險,並附上說明。 An explanation of whether the MD/IVD for which a derogation is requested can be replaced without additional risk in the short term by MD/IVD from other manufacturers, including a motivation.
15 若適用:若NB對於申請展延產品中發現不符合事項,包含不符合事項被排除/解決的日期。 If applicable: An overview of the outstanding non-conformities that the Notified Body has found in the products for which you, as an applicant, apply for a derogation, including the expected end date when the non-conformities have been removed/ solved.
16 提供相關CE證書的副本。 A copy of the relevant CE certificate.
17 需確認此展延申請涵蓋的產品,在CE證書過期後未經過改變/修改,且在展延後仍以完全相同的條件生產及交付。 A confirmation that the products covered by this application for derogation have not been adapted/changed after the CE certificate has expired and will be produced and delivered under exactly the same conditions in the event of a possible derogation.









NB需於2024/9/26前完成審查並確認合規,該MDD證書才可以延長到2027(Class IIb, Class III MD) or 2028(Class IIa, Class I MD)。


作者: Chou Chih-Hsuan, Senior Regulation Affair 2025 Feb 23
作者: Chou Chih-Hsuan, Senior Regulation Affair 2024 Dec 20
在2017 年,歐盟推出了兩項新法規,其中體外診斷醫療器材法EU 2017/746 (IVDR),取代原先的體外診斷醫療器材指令(IVDD)。 與IVDD最巨大的差異,是IVDR重新定義了「體外診斷醫療器材」的風險等級和分類依據。在IVDD時代被列為自我宣告的產品,超過90%在IVDR被列入NB的管轄範圍,大幅增加了監管強度,對製造商來說是全然不同的挑戰。​
作者: Chou Chih-Hsuan, Senior Regulation Affair 2024 Oct 31
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Chen Jen-Ru

Y. H.

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